“This book is awesome and so needed. It’s a fantastic resource for both professional dog behavior counselors and owners of fearful dogs alike. It’s remarkably thorough and full of helpful words of wisdom. I’m thrilled to see such practical information laid out in a readable, accessible format. It’s full of wonderful analogies. This book provides empathetic insight from both ends of the leash addressing fears and frustrations with a refreshing dose of frankness and sensitivity. Debbie has managed to be both beautifully compassionate and yet firm in her beliefs, ever the advocate for the fearful dog.”
Kelly Dunbar, Editor of DogStarDaily.com & President of Open Paw

“Your great book . . .
Hope you have loads of your great book in stock…just told 150 folks in Toronto, 60 in Rochester, MN and about 150 in Pittsburgh to order it post haste.”Sarah Kalnajs

“You do an amazing job of sharing quality information in easy to understand ways! With some trainers it becomes more about a cult of personality, with you it’s always about the dogs.”
Fearful Dogs Facebook group member

“I just wanted to touch base with you about our little Charlie a Fifteen month Shetland as you may recall. With the help of my one day session in Roxton, we can observe considérable improvement in a month’s time. He is now very happy to go outside and likes to play and even asks for it.”
Pierre, owner of Charlie

“I’m inspired by you and Sara! Honestly, I think this is the fresh perspective that BCBAs need right now. You are all doing some amazing behavior Analysis…”
Jennilee Lacroix, M.S., BCBA

“This is an underserved population of dogs, whose suffering is not seen, seen but trivialized, or seen but misinterpreted as insubordination or power play. They are in desperate need of champion and they found one in Debbie. A competent, intelligent and gifted champion whom we all must listen to.”
Jean Donaldson, founder of The Academy For Dog Trainers and author of “The Culture Clash” as well as other popular dog training books

“Debbie Jacobs, as a trainer, I really appreciate you, your writings and this group as wonderful resources for my clients. Your writing style has helped so many dogs and their people!!! Thank you for all you do!!!”
Trainer and Fearful Dogs Facebook group member

“You grow more clear and concise as time passes, without losing … only adding to the clear message that can be understood by trainers and everyday people. Thank you for your time and sharing, your gift.”
Fearful Dogs Facebook group member

“Thank you so much!! I met you about four years ago at the FPPE conference in NC. I am a trainer at the Humane Rescue Alliance in D.C. and always give your book to adopters of fearful dogs. I also refer them to your website. You are my go to person for fearful dog issues here in DC. Thank you for your groundbreaking work with and for fearful dogs. I can’t tell you the numbers of dogs you have helped keep in there homes.”
With much gratitude,
Linda Hudson, CPDT-KA

“Debbie Jacobs is one of my primary go-to sources when I need advice about dealing with fearful and/or anxious dogs. Her thoughtful and concise observations have actually, in some ways, changed the way I approach dealing with dogs with anxiety disorders.”
Lorie Huston, DVM

“I wanted to write and say how much I love your site, your information, and the experiences and advice you’re sharing.”
Terri with a puppy mill Shiba

“I read your book, and want to thank you for the advice – but also for the moral support. It is one thing to “know” that your dog can’t help her fear; another to feel calm throughout the journey of trying to help her cope.”
Megan, owner of Lyra