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Nibbles-the journey continues

By |2012-03-25T12:11:37-04:00March 25th, 2012|Categories: Dog training, Helping fearful dogs, Nibbles|Tags: , , , , , , , |

So yes, Nibbles in now my dog. I didn't want a 4th dog, I didn't want Nibbles, but when the head of the rescue group responsible for him (legally that is) told me they were going to send someone to my house to pick him up and transport him a 7 hour car ride and plane or ferry ride away, I panicked. I had been ...

Treats for tricks

By |2011-11-16T17:34:09-05:00November 16th, 2011|Categories: Helping fearful dogs, Nibbles|

One of my responsibilities when I foster a dog is to give them as many skills as possible for making sense of people. This is helpful for any dog but crucial for a fearful dog. Along with teaching a dog basic life skills such as; waiting at open doors or gates, coming when called, getting in and out of cars, getting off of furniture when ...

Nabbing Nibbles

By |2011-09-25T01:51:36-04:00September 25th, 2011|Categories: Helping fearful dogs, Nibbles|

No recall is complete if you can't get your hands on the dog. I am continuing to try to get footage of Nibbles as we take the journey from fearful foster dog to playful pet dog (who needs a forever home BTW). I apologize that I haven't improved my wardrobe. When I interact with any dog I always think about how my behavior is going ...

Nibbles update

By |2011-09-09T15:00:49-04:00September 9th, 2011|Categories: Helping fearful dogs, Nibbles|

Nibbles the chi-x who was confiscated from a home breeder, along with approximately 25 other dogs, continues to feel more comfortable with me. Along with counter conditioning, desensitization and training, I am big fan of going for walks in the woods with dogs. They appear to love it, and once I determine that my relationship with a dog is positive and I am relevant to ...

Getting to touch

By |2011-08-26T15:32:49-04:00August 26th, 2011|Categories: Helping fearful dogs, Nibbles|

I am attending the BlogPaws Conference in the DC area and wondering whether I'll make it home tomorrow night. While I'm away Nibbles is being boarded with a woman who offers home boarding. He's been there before and it was a fabulous experience for him. He made new and continuing progress. After a few days back with me he began to display behaviors that he ...

Learning to like looming

By |2011-08-19T02:19:18-04:00August 19th, 2011|Categories: Helping fearful dogs, Nibbles|

I am trying to keep up with sharing the different things I am doing to help Nibbles learn to be comfortable with people. He's a fairly solid little dog. He doesn't have general anxiety or any phobias. It would seem that he is just lacking experience with people and the things people do with dogs, like put leashes on them and take them for walks ...

More on Nibbles

By |2011-08-18T12:36:40-04:00August 18th, 2011|Categories: Helping fearful dogs, Nibbles|

Here's a short video update on Nibbles. He spent over a week being home boarded and it was a great experience for him. The woman boarding him understood the need to be patient and non-confrontational with him. By the time I went to pick him up he was snuggling on the couch with her. Nibs will still dart away if approached or reached for. He ...

Another shy chihuahua

By |2011-08-15T23:59:40-04:00August 15th, 2011|Categories: Helping fearful dogs, Nibbles|

I spent a wonderful week visiting my mom in Buzzard's Bay near Cape Cod. I boarded Nibbles with a woman and her family who had adopted another of the dogs who were confiscated along with Nibbles and Kelly. Nibbles had a great time working through many of the challenges a dog needs to sort out when they live in a world with people. He was ...


By |2011-08-04T15:07:32-04:00August 4th, 2011|Categories: Helping fearful dogs, Nibbles|

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Bx-ElVQydE?hl=en&fs=1&w=425&h=349] Nibbles was one of approximately 23 dogs confiscated from a home breeder by the HSUS. After being placed in a foster home he fled through a window and was on the lam for a week when he trapped by an ACO 30 miles north of his foster home. How he got that far as fast as he did will remain a mystery, but ...


By |2011-07-29T01:40:00-04:00July 29th, 2011|Categories: Helping fearful dogs, Nibbles|

I've been offline for a few days. The current foster dog living with us, Nibbles, escaped from his x-pen, got on my husband's desk and peed on the modem. Not a fan of technology our Nibbles apparently. Nibbles was pulled from a breeder along with 20 or so other dogs, all chihuahuas or small dog mixes. He'd been placed in a foster home, escaped through ...

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