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Food Is Not A Problem

By |2015-08-04T13:24:56-04:00August 4th, 2015|Categories: Dog training, Fostering Dogs, Helping fearful dogs|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

This morning my mother was having her breakfast and on the TV was an early morning cooking show.  She remarked, "I don't know why I watch these shows, I don't even like to cook." Food is a primary reinforcer. Looking at it feels good, thinking about it feels good. Mmmm..hand churned ice cream with fresh peaches, sweet corn on the grill, garden fresh salsa with just ...

Good Enough Maybe Isn’t

By |2014-01-23T11:02:30-05:00January 23rd, 2014|Categories: Dog training, Fostering Dogs, Helping fearful dogs|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Dogs are remarkable. They are so adept at figuring out what we want that we are often led to believe that we know what we're going. Enough dogs figured out how to change their behavior when faced with Cesar Millan's alpha rolling, tssking, and neck pokes that people came to believe that they knew how to be leaders and how dogs need to be handled. ...

Trust Counts

By |2013-12-10T08:52:51-05:00December 10th, 2013|Categories: Dog training, Fostering Dogs, Helping fearful dogs|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Trust is a central theme of soap operas, TV dramas and political relationships. It's lauded as being the keystone of good marriages and partnerships. Teenagers are reminded that they will not be allowed to stay home on their own, or out late, or have the keys to the car until they can be trusted. For many people the realization that trust has been "broken" can lead ...

Just Do It!

By |2013-11-24T10:53:34-05:00November 24th, 2013|Categories: Dog training, Fostering Dogs, Helping fearful dogs|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

At a large dog event I watched with some disgust and much dismay, as people who probably really care about their dogs handled them with all I can label was "disrespect." Dogs were being dragged around on leashes, being reprimanded and jerked for spending too much time (typically measurable in seconds) looking at or sniffing something, not responding to cues fast enough and being left ...

You Have Options

By |2013-10-30T09:20:36-04:00October 30th, 2013|Categories: Dog training, Fostering Dogs, Helping fearful dogs|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

I try to be careful when I start feeling like the fellow in the cartoon tapping away at a keyboard late into the night because, "Someone said something wrong on the internet." I try to be tolerant knowing full well that I've written stuff or have videos that someone, for one reason or another could find fault with. Maybe you can guess where this is ...

An Offer They Can’t Refuse

By |2013-10-25T09:19:47-04:00October 25th, 2013|Categories: Dog training, Fostering Dogs, Helping fearful dogs|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

When we meet a dog, especially a dog in a shelter or in the rehoming process somewhere, the first piece of information we need to give them is why they should engage with us. Most of us, dog lovers that we are, would never say to the dog, "Because I said so!" when it came to the reason they should pay attention to us. But ...

Shoring up the Foundation

By |2013-10-12T12:10:38-04:00October 12th, 2013|Categories: Dog training, Helping fearful dogs|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

When we ask a dog to do something in exchange for something they want it's not about "no free lunches" or that dogs need to learn to work for what they want. Every organism on the planet, if they are going to be around for long already has this information. If they didn't there would be no beaver dams, no mice caught by cats, no ...

Packing Up Their Toys

By |2013-09-24T10:01:27-04:00September 24th, 2013|Categories: Dog training, Helping fearful dogs|Tags: , , , , , , , |

There was a blog post going around recently that could have easily been parody as serious. It was written by a volunteer trainer at a shelter who was declaring he was never going to volunteer at an animal shelter again because of his recent experience at one. The reason for his defection? Were dogs being mistreated? Were the conditions gross and unsanitary? Were too many ...

Wasting a Good System

By |2013-09-07T11:09:26-04:00September 7th, 2013|Categories: Dog training, Helping fearful dogs|Tags: , , , , , |

Every organism on the planet needs to behave in particular ways in order to survive. For some the behavior is more complex, for others it might be moving in one direction with their mouth (or whatever it is they have that allows nutrients in) open. Even microscopic organisms will change their behavior based on whether or not they are reinforced for a particular behavior. They ...

Is Food Really the Problem?

By |2013-08-25T15:40:00-04:00August 25th, 2013|Categories: Dog training, Helping fearful dogs|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Guess what these dogs are looking forward to getting? From the comments I've been hearing and the stuff I've been reading on the internet one would be inclined to think that the use of food in training poses great problems or risks. I cannot think of one conversation I've had with a trainer who laments that their clients reinforce behaviors with food too ...