Fearful Dogs Logo
Fearful Dogs Logo

The Concept Dog Trainers Need to Know

By |2022-03-13T23:49:24-04:00July 19th, 2020|Categories: Aggression/Aggressive, Dog training, Helping fearful dogs, Training|Tags: , , , , , , , |

In May in Vermont I am presenting two seminars. Understanding fear-based behavior in dogs, is one I am most often invited to present at different venues. It hasn't changed much over the years and that should be attributed to the fact that nothing new about behavior, since I first created the presentation, has changed. The new information we have about brains and neuroscience does not ...

Get Back Here You Brat

By |2012-11-05T11:42:56-05:00November 5th, 2012|Categories: Dog training, Helping fearful dogs|Tags: , , , , , , |

One of the most cited reasons for the use of a shock collar is to get reliable recalls from a dog. It can be very challenging to come up with an alternative for a dog which is as, or more reinforcing, than doing whatever it is the dog is choosing to do rather than return when called. So people quickly choose to use other options ...